The Most common problem while dealing with support is of course related to finding the serial number of the storage box which you manage. There are various methods available to find the serial number. If you are located in the data center, you can very well go and check the serial number of the box which is commonly available in the chassis. Think about a situation in which you are managing the box remotely?.
Hope this helps!
Lets see the command set and the options which we can use to find the serial number of 3PAR StoreServ storage array.
if you are are using SSMC (StoreServ Management Console) to manage 3PAR storage, please follow below guide line.
1, From the Mega Menu, access systems
2, If you have only one StoreServ, the next screen will show you the array name and its serial number and model. If you have multiple systems to manage, please select the required system from the list to see more details.
Let's see the CLI options to check the serial number of the StoreServ system.
shownode and showsys will give the StoreServ serial numbers. To get the details, login to 3PAR CLI or SSH session using admin credentials(3paradm or customized credential).
run shownode or showsys command. Examples are given below.
3parLab cli% shownode
Control Data Cache
Node --Name--- -State- Master InCluster -Service_LED ---LED--- Mem(MB) Mem(MB) Available(%)
0 140abcd-0 OK No Yes Off GreenBlnk 16384 32768 100
1 140abcd-1 OK No Yes Off GreenBlnk 16384 32768 100
2 140abcd-2 OK Yes Yes Off GreenBlnk 16384 32768 100
3 140abcd-3 OK No Yes Off GreenBlnk 16384 32768 100
In the above example, shownode commands lists the available nodes followed by array serial number.
3parLab cli% showsys
ID ----Name---- ---Model--- -Serial- Nodes Master TotalCap AllocCap FreeCap FailedCap
abcd 3parLab InServ V400 140abcd 4 2 322043904 279694336 42286080 63488
Showsys command gives you the array model number followed by the array serial number. The command displays the storage system properties includes system name, model, serial number, and system capacity information.
In StoreServ 7000 series arrays, the shownode command gives you bit more details. it is capable of supplying HP serial number and spare part number when additional options are used. Let's see that now.
The additional options are
-svc which will displays inventory information with HP serial number, spare part etc.This option must be used with -i option and it is supported only on HP 3PAR 7000 series systems
3parLab2 cli% shownode -svc -i
Node --Name--- -Manufacturer- ---Assy_Part---- --Assy_Serial--- -SaleableSerial- --Saleable_PN--- ----Spare_PN---- -------ModelName-------- -Assem_Rev-
0 1631234-0 FXN QR482-63001 PCMBUA6ABCD0FH 5C7316ABCD QR482A 683245-001 HP_3PAR 7200 004
1 1631234-1 FXN QR482-63001 PCMBUA6ABCD0DX 5C7316ABCD QR482A 683245-001 HP_3PAR 7200 004
Hope this helps!
Sometimes abbreviated as Serial No., SN or S/N, a serial numbersticekr is a unique number used for identification and inventory purposeAserial number allows a company to identify a product and get additional information about it, for replacement, or as a means of finding compatible parts.