A Pure Storage Protection Group is a collection of volumes, hosts, or host groups protected together with point-in-time consistency. This is achieved using snapshot schedules. Members of a protection group share common retention criteria and snapshot schedules.
Protection groups use asynchronous replication, retaining snapshots locally and replicating them to target storage systems based on a predefined replication schedule. A single protection group can contain multiple volumes, hosts, or host groups, and a single volume can belong to multiple protection groups.
Creating a Protection Group
Use the purepgroup create
CLI command:
usage: purepgroup create --hgrouplist HGROUPS |--hostlist HOSTS | --vollist VOLS --targetlist TARGETS PGROUP
Common arguments:
: Protection group name--hgrouplist HGROUPS
: Host groups--hostlist HOSTS
: Hosts--vollist VOLS
: Volumes--targetlist TARGETS
: Target arrays
pureuser@FlasharrayX90> purepgroup create PG-LXPROD01 --vollist LXPROD01-0,LXPROD01-1 --targetlist FlasharrayX50
Name Source Targets Host Groups Hosts Volumes PG-LXPROD01 FlasharrayX90 FlasharrayX50 - - LXPROD01-0 LXPROD01-1
Enabling Protection Group Features
Enable the group for snapshots or replication (or both):
usage: purepgroup enable --replicate --snap PGROUP
Possible arguments are:
: Protection group name--replicate
: Enable replication schedule--snap
: Enable snapshot schedule
pureuser@FlasharrayX90> purepgroup enable --replicate PG-LXPROD01
Name Schedule Enabled Frequency At Blackout PG-LXPROD01 snap False 1h - - replicate True 4h - -
Setting a Replication Schedule
Use purepgroup schedule
common usage: purepgroup schedule --snap-frequency FREQUENCY --replicate-frequency FREQUENCY PGROUP
Common arguments:
: Protection group name--snap-frequency FREQUENCY
: Take snapshots at this frequency. N[s/m/h/d/w] e.g. 15m, 1h, 2d, 3w--replicate-frequency FREQUENCY
: Take and replicate snapshots at this frequency. N[s/m/h/d/w] e.g. 15m, 1h, 2d, 3w
pureuser@FlasharrayX90> purepgroup schedule --replicate-frequency 30m PG-LXPROD01
Name Schedule Enabled Frequency At Blackout PG-LXPROD01 snap False 1h - - replicate True 30m - -